To help people embrace their differences, head-on; to teach them how to listen to each other compassionately — not just to speak; and to facilitate these types of relationships across diverse communities, through Speaking Circles.
Everything in our country is so divided — red and blue, Democrat and Republican, Liberals and Conservatives. But these divides are so great that we’re losing track of how to communicate with one another. We’re all stakeholders here: We each have a stake in our lives together. And I want to use my 71 years of life experience to help mend these divides, and teach people how to really hear each other.
Growing up in the 50’s, playing in the fields of rural-California, I always dreamed of being a truck driver or a firefighter. So far, I’ve done both and so much more, including becoming a Certified Mediator and a Licensed Speaking Circle Facilitator.
Entering this new stage of life as an “elder,” I see work differently. I see it as the chance to use the culmination of my life adventures — with all its heartache and struggle — to help others. You see, throughout my life I’ve always felt somewhat misunderstood. I’ve been in countless situations where I’ve watched my opinions be discounted or shot down. But one thing I’ve learned while chasing my dreams is how to really hear people, and to be heard myself. I want to share that experience.
As a firefighter, one of the first things I learned was to find an “anchor point” — a place that offers the most advantages to attack a wildfire from. It’s tempting to start directly at the height of the blaze; but starting at a roadside or stream instead is often much smarter, safer, and effective. I offer this metaphor because it heavily relates to the process of resolving conflict in our lives through Speaking Circles. When we find ourselves in a heated argument, where do we choose to start cooling the fire? Do we attack the roaring “head” — the issue that set us off in the first place? Or do we instead try to go deeper, listen, and really get to the root of the friction?
Speaking Circles are based upon the principles of “Relational Presence.” And finding our “presence” is just like finding our “anchor point.” Over the years, I’ve used this lesson to navigate my way through countless employment, family, and personal difficulties. And every time, the person I’ve found at my “anchor point”... has been my Authentic Self. That’s where I start from.
I find that life gives you all the lessons you need. And I think that leading Speaking Circles is work that I’ve been preparing for my entire life. Perhaps, my most important work...
— Leading “Speaking Circles” as a Licensed Facilitator. Certified Mediator. Trained in Conflict Resolution.
— An Eagle eating medium-roasted coffee beans